Tuesday, May 25, 2010

day 13, Tuesday May 25th

Hours worked: 1
Time of post: 7:24

So it's the final day... oH MY Goodness has it been crazy! I can't believe it's over. Tomorrow at 5:00pm everything is due for our final project and today we put the final copy on Dvd's and made sure they were all done and ready to go :D Amanda has her review tomorrow and I think I have mine on thursday so here's to a great last two weeks! Hoping I pass. I'm feeling pretty confident so we will see! fingers crossed!


Monday, May 24, 2010

day 12, Monday May 24th

Hours worked: 2
Time of post: 10:59

Today was a bit of a slow day. We started out by adding the play button to our movie. We imported the final version of our movie into iDvd with the intention of adding a Main Menu and a Play button. We succeeded at both of these rather quickly and then planned on burning the Dvds. As we were burning them we realized that the movie we were burning didn't have the credits we had been working on last week so for about another 45 minutes we tried to figure out what we could do about this. We're hoping to talk to Anna Hanlon about the possibility of erasing what we burned on the Dvds and re-burning them and if that doesn't work than we will hopefully be able to get 6 new Dvds to use and make sure we add the credits. Hopefully tomorrow is a little more successful.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekly Reflection #2

Total Hours: 25
Time of post: 11:04
            The second week of senior project went much more successfully than the first one. We started the week off with a good sense of what it was going to take to get what we needed to finish our project. We continued to put in many hours for editing and filming. As the week went on we worked up from basic editing skills to more advanced ones like playing with opacity and angles of the clips. We added in some overlapping clips which look really cool and repeating clips as well.
            Last week was not as enjoyable as this week either. It was a lot of filming which is a part of movie making that I don’t enjoy a lot. I enjoy the editing process a lot more because it lets you do whatever you want.  You can manipulate a clip a lot when editing but when filming it’s pretty standard and boring as to what you can do. Granted I don’t know all there is to know about filming and I am sure there is more to learn but I enjoyed this week a lot. It was full of editing and spending a lot of time in the tech lab as usual. The good news is that we did manage to get everything for the video done though. We made final edits on Friday and it’s ready to be put on DVD’s on Monday.
            As we head into the last few days of senior project I look forward to making going over the video again and looking at what we could have done different and if we want to change anything about it. It should be a good end to the year. J


Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 11, Friday May 21st

Hours worked: 5
Time of post: 11:03

so guess what... WE FINISHED THE VIDEO!!! Yup, it's completely done and ready to be put on DVD's and everything!!! I can't believe it! We put in the final edits and credits and everything and tomorrow we're working with Jim to put it on DVD's. I think that says enough for one post :P


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 10, Thursday May 20th

Hours worked: 4
Time of post: 10:35

So today was productive. We finally chose a song and added it to our video this morning. I worked on final edits for the rest of the morning and then proceeded to take the afternoon off because I was exhausted but the exciting news is that tomorrow we will be finishing our video :D All we have left to do is finish the end of the video add in credits and a title page and then make sure everything is the way we want it. SO exciting! I can't believe how quickly this has come together. Stay tuned!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 9, Wednesday May 19th

Hours: 4
Time of post: 7:53

So wednesday. It was a long long day. BUT the good news is we have even MORE of the video. We have almost every clip in that we want to use which is super exciting! Tomorrow we plan on filming a few last shots that we realized we needed today in our video and then we will be DONE :D We are spending an hour of tonight to choose a song that our video will be put to tomorrow and then we will be working on our final edits which is right where we need to be heading into the weekend. I'm really glad that this week has gone as well as it has been going. We're keeping on schedule more so than I thought we would and its making the process just THAT much better. Tomorrow should be a productive day as long as our good streak continues. Cross your fingers :)


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 8, Tuesday May 18th

Hours worked: 7
Time of post: 10:25

so yet another very successful and productive day. it was actually amazing. we woke up casually at 7 and stayed in bed till 8 which was really nice. Continued to get ready and get to the tech lab around 9. we worked solidly through till lunch. I was only interrupted in working once because I had spanish class which was also super productive seeing as it was the last class before our oral exam on thursday which is consuming my free time with studying. 

We officially have 1 minute and 37 seconds of our video done which is REALLY exciting. we have a little under a week until our project is due and we are well on our way to being close to final edit day which makes this day AWESOME! If you can't tell already I am SUPER pumped about the project.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to make just as much headway as today so we can go into the end of the week with almost a full 3 minutes. Hopefully my hope comes true haha.


Day 7, Monday May 17th

Hours worked: 5
Time of post: 9:48

So it's monday again.... I do not want it to be monday... but either way I woke up today and got to the tech lab at around 9:30 after spanish. We did run into the problem of our computer running out of space again but that was quickly fixed and then we continued to edit what we would hope to be our final project. We had about 3 minutes of edited clips that had been finished on saturday but naturally as monday was a new day we watched it all over again and decided it needed to change. So that's exactly what we did for the rest of the day. we worked on the very beginning of the movie adding in filters between clips and making it more of a story with a begging and a middle rather than just a bunch of clips put together.

Tomorrow I'd like to continue working on making a full timeline of our video. Putting in some credits as well as a title page and things of that nature. tomorrow needs to be a lot more productive seeing as we're crunching down on the last few days of senior project.


Monday, May 17, 2010

weekly reflection

Total hours of week: 40
Time of post: 9:09am

            The first week of senior project has been full of ups and downs. We started off a little rough. Forgetting to charge the camera’s the night before and forgetting to email the students we planned on shadowing ahead of time. But as the week went on we continued to get better and more into the routine of things. We ran into a few problems, like the computer we were using ran out of space, but we quickly went to Jim Cox and had him help us. We filmed a lot of things including 6 individual students as well as assemblies, meals and daily activities. We got all our footage in one week  which was one of our goals.
            Personally I enjoyed the importing and editing process more than the filming, although I did enjoy learning more about filming. As we continued through the week I widened my knowledge of filming by trying different filming techniques like shooting more than one angle on a situation which ended up giving our footage a much more interesting look. I also learned a lot more that I had forgotten about editing as well as many things that I hadn’t learned already just by playing around and looking at other videos for inspiration. Things such as making a clip run backwards and also working with the sound of a clip. I look forward to learning and working more on editing in the next week.
            Looking into this next week I have a very good feeling about our video. I am confident that we will finish our video on time with all the requirements met as well as an impressive video showing all that proctor can offer. It will be a  long week of editing and final adjustments but with all the good footage we have and everything that we need to still do I think it will be a very good outcome. 

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 6, Saturday May 15th

Hours: 8
Time of post: 5:12

So today was super super productive! it was absolutely amazing! I woke up at 8 and went to breakfast and then went to the tech lab at 10. From there i literally worked solidly till 5 and got SO MUCH DONE! I'm so excited if you can't tell haha! i got literally half the video done. We have 1 full minute of the video done with all the clips. I struggled with putting in the music aspect of the film though which I plan on asking Jim for a bit of help on on monday. On top of all of that I realized that I finished all my hours for the minimum for abbreviated senior project. I've completed 40 hours :D which is more than the requirement but the good thing is that I can put in 40 more and feel even better about the project and how good it's going to be :D

The next week is going to be a lot of week. Even though I have a minute of the video left I still need to make sure that Amanda likes it because she's been away all day at her tennis match. We still have a lot more to put into the video And we need to do final edits and finish the project like we said we would :)

I'm looking forward to next week. There will be a lot of editing needed and it should be a good experience :D


Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 5, Friday May 14th

Hours: 4
Time of post: 9:29

So... today was really unproductive. We ran into a small issue of running out of space on the computer we were using so we had to ask Jim Cox to free up space for us. That took a little longer than expected. We ended up filming polar swim though at 6:00a.m. to 7:00a.m. which was really fun. Then Amanda filmed Alex richichi for 2 hours and we filmed Chamber Choir. We imported those in the afternoon and then continued to kind of take the afternoon off. We went back to the tech lab at 5:45 and worked until 7:30 on editing. Tomorrow we're going in in the morning and plan on working all day on editing until around dinner time so hopefully we will be more productive. A few minor set backs but I'm not worried. I know we can handle the pressure of needing to work a little harder this weekend :)


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 4, Thursday, May13

hours: 6
time of post: 9:24

So today was day 4 :) it was kind of slow. We didn't film anyone today. Instead we spent all of our time importing the footage we needed to catch up on and editing more clips and working on some more effects of them like playing with the speed and the color. We spent a lot of time just going through the footage and seeing what we would want to use. We ran into an issue around 7 because we ran out of space on the computer so we're getting that fixed tomorrow. We're filming alex richichi and derric tankersley tomorrow hopefully. we're waiting for an email back from them. So hopefully that will conclude our filming. Looking forward to tomorrow.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 3, Wednesday, May 12th

Hours: 8
Time of post: 9:43 p.m,

So today was day 3. It went SOOO well :) so we woke up at like 6 and got ready to leave the dorm at 7:15. We took the car and got to Megan Hanscoms house at around 7:25 so we could film her driving in the car to school and from behind the car so we could film the actual car. Then from there I continued to film her through her classes which were Geometry, History, and then Ceramics. It was really cool because they were three completely different classes. So then we went back to the tech lab before lunch during D block to import the rest of our film so we would have more tapes for the rest of the day. After lunch we imported for another hour and then I followed in the car Megan and the JV girls tennis team to KUA to film their tennis game. They ended up starting late but it was ok because the footage we caught was really good. When we got back we went back to the tech lab to import the footage from the game and also from Amanda's day and edit some more. We both worked on putting clips together for the remainder of the time we spent in the tech lab and we left at 8 to enjoy an evening off.

It was a pretty good day overall. We got all we wanted to accomplished with minimal setbacks. We got some more editing done which will help us next week when it will be crunch time. Tomorrow we are filming Derric Tankersley and Alex Richichi which should be pretty fun :)


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 2, Tuesday May 11th

Hours: 7
Entry written at 9:45

So today, day two, wasn't as hectic as yesterday which has been nice. Both Amanda and I realized this morning that we forgot to email students about filming them last night so we decided to go to the tech lab and edit in the morning from 8:15 till advisory at 10:15. I helped her learn a few more things like how to make a clip in a sequence and how to move that into the timeline and play with the speed of the clip. Then from there we both went to advisory and filmed our advisory. I continued after that to go back to the tech lab and edit some more and import the rest of our film while Amanda shadowed Dan Yoem again. After lunch we came back to the tech lab for an hour and then went back to the dorm because the computer we were using needed to be used by someone else. So from the dorm we both went to sports. I filmed band recording for about an hour and 15 minutes and then went to dinner and then came back to the tech lab at 6:30. We've been here ever since, importing the rest of our footage and we moved it all into Final Cut because we are using Imovie to import. We've emailed students about filming them tomorrow. We're planning on going to Megan Hanscom's house in the morning and filming her from her house to school and throughout the rest of the day. It's her birthday so it should be a pretty good footage :) I'm hoping to follow her to her tennis game as well which is at KUA. Amanda will be following Zoltan Clark which I'm also excited about. 

As far as footage goes we've got a lot of good things so far. We've captured a lot of classes and have focused on the person we're shadowing but what I want to improve on is getting more than one angle in the classroom as well as finding a strong way to film while walking from place to place without shaking the camera too much. The footage we have is strong and will work really well in our video. It will be really fun when we can start putting the clips together so we can have a timeline that looks more like a functional video rather than a bunch of random things just thrown together.

Some of the setbacks that we have had have been not thinking all the way through what we need in terms of footage shots and who we need to email. We definitely have forgotten a few things but I feel like we made a good amount of progress today to get all those things done ahead of time so that tomorrow we don't run into them again. It's been a pretty good day overall and hopefully tomorrow will be even better and run a little smoother. 


Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 1, Monday May 10th

hours worked: 7
Entry written at 11:15

So today was day 1 of senior project. OH my goodness was it crazy. i woke up at 6:45 to get out of bed at 7:00am. Went to breakfast and from there went to spanish class. Then from spanish class went back to the room to pick up my camera and get ready to film assembly. Then from assembly I followed Dan Yoem around for a class. He had a test and then was going to watch a movie in spanish 2 so instead I went over to the tech lab and started importing the footage we had so far. At around 12:30 I went and had a meeting with Liz green and from there I went right back to the tech lab and worked again till 3:15. From 3:15 to 5 went to sports and then went back to the tech lab again for another hour. Went to pizza chef for dinner with Krystal for like 30 minutes and then went back to the tech lab till 10 again. We have all our footage imported finally and are ready to start editing tomorrow which is exciting :) We have a lot more footage to capture tomorrow and wednesday and thursday but I'm not worried. We have a good handle on it and i'm excited for tomorrow. More of shadowing Dan and then importing in the afternoon. It should be an interesting day :)
