Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 9, Wednesday May 19th

Hours: 4
Time of post: 7:53

So wednesday. It was a long long day. BUT the good news is we have even MORE of the video. We have almost every clip in that we want to use which is super exciting! Tomorrow we plan on filming a few last shots that we realized we needed today in our video and then we will be DONE :D We are spending an hour of tonight to choose a song that our video will be put to tomorrow and then we will be working on our final edits which is right where we need to be heading into the weekend. I'm really glad that this week has gone as well as it has been going. We're keeping on schedule more so than I thought we would and its making the process just THAT much better. Tomorrow should be a productive day as long as our good streak continues. Cross your fingers :)


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