Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 7, Monday May 17th

Hours worked: 5
Time of post: 9:48

So it's monday again.... I do not want it to be monday... but either way I woke up today and got to the tech lab at around 9:30 after spanish. We did run into the problem of our computer running out of space again but that was quickly fixed and then we continued to edit what we would hope to be our final project. We had about 3 minutes of edited clips that had been finished on saturday but naturally as monday was a new day we watched it all over again and decided it needed to change. So that's exactly what we did for the rest of the day. we worked on the very beginning of the movie adding in filters between clips and making it more of a story with a begging and a middle rather than just a bunch of clips put together.

Tomorrow I'd like to continue working on making a full timeline of our video. Putting in some credits as well as a title page and things of that nature. tomorrow needs to be a lot more productive seeing as we're crunching down on the last few days of senior project.


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