Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 6, Saturday May 15th

Hours: 8
Time of post: 5:12

So today was super super productive! it was absolutely amazing! I woke up at 8 and went to breakfast and then went to the tech lab at 10. From there i literally worked solidly till 5 and got SO MUCH DONE! I'm so excited if you can't tell haha! i got literally half the video done. We have 1 full minute of the video done with all the clips. I struggled with putting in the music aspect of the film though which I plan on asking Jim for a bit of help on on monday. On top of all of that I realized that I finished all my hours for the minimum for abbreviated senior project. I've completed 40 hours :D which is more than the requirement but the good thing is that I can put in 40 more and feel even better about the project and how good it's going to be :D

The next week is going to be a lot of week. Even though I have a minute of the video left I still need to make sure that Amanda likes it because she's been away all day at her tennis match. We still have a lot more to put into the video And we need to do final edits and finish the project like we said we would :)

I'm looking forward to next week. There will be a lot of editing needed and it should be a good experience :D


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