Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekly Reflection #2

Total Hours: 25
Time of post: 11:04
            The second week of senior project went much more successfully than the first one. We started the week off with a good sense of what it was going to take to get what we needed to finish our project. We continued to put in many hours for editing and filming. As the week went on we worked up from basic editing skills to more advanced ones like playing with opacity and angles of the clips. We added in some overlapping clips which look really cool and repeating clips as well.
            Last week was not as enjoyable as this week either. It was a lot of filming which is a part of movie making that I don’t enjoy a lot. I enjoy the editing process a lot more because it lets you do whatever you want.  You can manipulate a clip a lot when editing but when filming it’s pretty standard and boring as to what you can do. Granted I don’t know all there is to know about filming and I am sure there is more to learn but I enjoyed this week a lot. It was full of editing and spending a lot of time in the tech lab as usual. The good news is that we did manage to get everything for the video done though. We made final edits on Friday and it’s ready to be put on DVD’s on Monday.
            As we head into the last few days of senior project I look forward to making going over the video again and looking at what we could have done different and if we want to change anything about it. It should be a good end to the year. J


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