Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 1, Monday May 10th

hours worked: 7
Entry written at 11:15

So today was day 1 of senior project. OH my goodness was it crazy. i woke up at 6:45 to get out of bed at 7:00am. Went to breakfast and from there went to spanish class. Then from spanish class went back to the room to pick up my camera and get ready to film assembly. Then from assembly I followed Dan Yoem around for a class. He had a test and then was going to watch a movie in spanish 2 so instead I went over to the tech lab and started importing the footage we had so far. At around 12:30 I went and had a meeting with Liz green and from there I went right back to the tech lab and worked again till 3:15. From 3:15 to 5 went to sports and then went back to the tech lab again for another hour. Went to pizza chef for dinner with Krystal for like 30 minutes and then went back to the tech lab till 10 again. We have all our footage imported finally and are ready to start editing tomorrow which is exciting :) We have a lot more footage to capture tomorrow and wednesday and thursday but I'm not worried. We have a good handle on it and i'm excited for tomorrow. More of shadowing Dan and then importing in the afternoon. It should be an interesting day :)


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