Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 8, Tuesday May 18th

Hours worked: 7
Time of post: 10:25

so yet another very successful and productive day. it was actually amazing. we woke up casually at 7 and stayed in bed till 8 which was really nice. Continued to get ready and get to the tech lab around 9. we worked solidly through till lunch. I was only interrupted in working once because I had spanish class which was also super productive seeing as it was the last class before our oral exam on thursday which is consuming my free time with studying. 

We officially have 1 minute and 37 seconds of our video done which is REALLY exciting. we have a little under a week until our project is due and we are well on our way to being close to final edit day which makes this day AWESOME! If you can't tell already I am SUPER pumped about the project.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to make just as much headway as today so we can go into the end of the week with almost a full 3 minutes. Hopefully my hope comes true haha.


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