Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 2, Tuesday May 11th

Hours: 7
Entry written at 9:45

So today, day two, wasn't as hectic as yesterday which has been nice. Both Amanda and I realized this morning that we forgot to email students about filming them last night so we decided to go to the tech lab and edit in the morning from 8:15 till advisory at 10:15. I helped her learn a few more things like how to make a clip in a sequence and how to move that into the timeline and play with the speed of the clip. Then from there we both went to advisory and filmed our advisory. I continued after that to go back to the tech lab and edit some more and import the rest of our film while Amanda shadowed Dan Yoem again. After lunch we came back to the tech lab for an hour and then went back to the dorm because the computer we were using needed to be used by someone else. So from the dorm we both went to sports. I filmed band recording for about an hour and 15 minutes and then went to dinner and then came back to the tech lab at 6:30. We've been here ever since, importing the rest of our footage and we moved it all into Final Cut because we are using Imovie to import. We've emailed students about filming them tomorrow. We're planning on going to Megan Hanscom's house in the morning and filming her from her house to school and throughout the rest of the day. It's her birthday so it should be a pretty good footage :) I'm hoping to follow her to her tennis game as well which is at KUA. Amanda will be following Zoltan Clark which I'm also excited about. 

As far as footage goes we've got a lot of good things so far. We've captured a lot of classes and have focused on the person we're shadowing but what I want to improve on is getting more than one angle in the classroom as well as finding a strong way to film while walking from place to place without shaking the camera too much. The footage we have is strong and will work really well in our video. It will be really fun when we can start putting the clips together so we can have a timeline that looks more like a functional video rather than a bunch of random things just thrown together.

Some of the setbacks that we have had have been not thinking all the way through what we need in terms of footage shots and who we need to email. We definitely have forgotten a few things but I feel like we made a good amount of progress today to get all those things done ahead of time so that tomorrow we don't run into them again. It's been a pretty good day overall and hopefully tomorrow will be even better and run a little smoother. 


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