Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 5, Friday May 14th

Hours: 4
Time of post: 9:29

So... today was really unproductive. We ran into a small issue of running out of space on the computer we were using so we had to ask Jim Cox to free up space for us. That took a little longer than expected. We ended up filming polar swim though at 6:00a.m. to 7:00a.m. which was really fun. Then Amanda filmed Alex richichi for 2 hours and we filmed Chamber Choir. We imported those in the afternoon and then continued to kind of take the afternoon off. We went back to the tech lab at 5:45 and worked until 7:30 on editing. Tomorrow we're going in in the morning and plan on working all day on editing until around dinner time so hopefully we will be more productive. A few minor set backs but I'm not worried. I know we can handle the pressure of needing to work a little harder this weekend :)


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